Thursday, August 30, 2012

Love on the High Line

For anyone who knows what it is, I think they'd all agree, High Line Park is not only beautiful in views but also an architectural masterpiece. It's a park that was designed into an old above ground train track on the West Side of Manhattan. It spans about 20ish blocks and is just awesome if you ask me.

Anyway, enough with the free PR for NYC parks. I was walking on the Highline and there were tons of photo opportunities of couples holding hands and things of that nature, but when I came across this shot I was particularly happy.

On this random grassy knoll on top of the train tracks, this couple lay just holding each other starring up at the sky and the beautiful day. There is nothing like a cool evening, laying in the grass and just being..with your loved one. I'm glad this couple reminded me of how amazing it could be.

I'm also glad to be writing about this right now because it keeps me focused on what is important, rather than thinking about my more than stressful commute to work today.

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