Wednesday, April 17, 2013

New York Loves Boston

It’s tough to think about the bombing that happened this past Monday in Boston without feeling a wave of emotions. Anger, fear, hurt, compassion…the list goes on and on. The country was shocked and horrified at the event, however it is times like these that we come together, as people, and as a country.

On my subway ride to work today I was reminded of this compassion when I saw a man reading the AM New York and spotted the front cover saying “NY loves Boston”. Growing up in New York, and especially being a Yankee fan (insert jeering here), there has always been a rivalry between New York and Boston. In my memories, the most distinct rivalry happening in the 2004 World Series. I’ve seen many a New Yorkers call out people on streets wearing a Boston Red Sox hat – mostly in good fun, but nevertheless the rivalry still exists.

Since the tragic event this past Monday, I’ve seen quite a difference in New Yorkers. Outpouring of support, and love have gone out to Bostoners. Light displays saying “NY loves Boston” appeared on the side of the Brooklyn Academy of Music, The New York Yankees held a moment of silence, and the newspapers are expressing their compassion. It’s heartwarming to see the support, because it is so very much needed for those affected by this terrible tragedy.

Moral of the story – New Yorkers care; New Yorkers love. More importantly, in the words of Martin Richards, the innocent child who lost his life on Monday – “No more hurting people, peace.”

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